
Janet Thirlby

More than a career.
A calling.

Great leaders have a profound impact on their teams, as well as in their communities, and on society. They are destined to create deep, meaningful, sustainable change. Janet’s calling is understanding and embracing her role in facilitating their development.

A startling insight led to big things.

As a coach, mentor, advisor, and teacher, Janet noticed that leaders respond and grow very differently from each other even when in the exact same circumstances as their peers. These observations inspired her to study what causes growth in leaders. What she found was surprising, causing her to develop a leadership development program from her unique perspective.

Moved to meet the needs of community health centers.

Janet later expanded her breadth of expertise as she served not-for-profit organizations, emphasizing those in healthcare. And after serving as an executive at a health center herself for a time, she found she had the range of experience to address the unique challenges facing community health centers.

An honest guide. A collaborative spirit.

Janet’s passion is coaching leaders in their journey toward their very best selves.


Linking the future and strategy: scenario and strategic planning for organizations.


Group coaching for 4 to 6 participants or in-tact teams. One-on-one coaching for individuals.

Why Community Health Centers?

All community health centers serve marginalized populations, and those communities are often composed of Native American and agricultural workers like the neighbors Janet came to know and love growing up in rural Michigan. These are hard-working people who often lack access to basic health services. Janet believes all people deserve dignity, compassion, and the tools everyone needs for wellness of body, mind, and spirit.

Let’s get to work.

From executive coaching to strategic planning to action learning and rapid cycle improvement, Janet’s consulting expertise can help your leaders forge a bright future for their organization grounded in best practices, clearly defined goals, and led by an inspired team.